Wednesday 19 December 2012


P E R S O N A L   D E T A I L S 

Name: Abilene Dent
Age: 27
Nationality: British
Language: English, Spanish

Personal story

I was born and raised in Ireland till the age of 8 , when our family decided to move to Ecuador as volunteers,we arrived in Tena a small jungle town where our family was introduced to white water rafting with the first company in the area.I started going down rivers on sit on top kayaks at the age of 11, and at the age of 16 our family started our own rafting company, and has now been operating for 11 years.Over this period of time me my brothers and my dad have been jungle and raft guides , safety kayakers and explorers of new rivers and destinations around Ecuador.


 E D U C A T I O N 

1991:Primary School in Ireland
1993:Escuela Arnaldo merino Muñoz(Riobamba , Ecuador)
1994-1999:Escuela y colegio Unidad Educativa ciudad de tena
1999:2001:Unidad educativa particular Amazonica(Accounting and Administration )

W O R K  E X P E R I E N C E 


Jungle Guide and translator For Travelers lodge,
Cabañas Amarongachi,
Shangrila lodge,
Hotel Missahualli,
Cotococha lodge and private tours.


Assistant sit on top Safety Kayaker
2004: Mars electronics (Basingstoke england)Machine operator
2004: Catering services(Braknell england)
2004: Embi ,Cleaning services (Ireland)


Secretary for River People Rafting company and sticky fingers coffee shop


Raft guide (Class III)All year round in Tena Ecuador.Safety kayaker (Class III and Class IV)
2010:(May to September) 2012(May to September)Worked with Endless Adventure as :
Raft guide Class II & III,
Safety Kayaker,
Guiding Inflatable kayaks.
Kayak assistant instructor
Kids camp counselor
Endless adventure kayak shop employee.

2010 :

(November to February)2011:(November to February)2012
Endless Adventure International:
Safety kayaking
Kayak Guiding


Jatunyacu Class III
Jondchi Hollin Class III & IV
Lower Missahualli IV( Safety kayaker )
Upper Missahualli (Kayak Guiding )   
Toachi Class III(Safety Kayaker)
Quijos III & IV'(Safety Kayaker)
Intag  III 
Cosanga Upper (kayak Guiding) 

Expedition Trips:
Hollin Overnighter Assistant raft guide Class III + & IV
Quijos Ovenrighter Class IV (Safety Kayaker)

C O U R S E S & Q U A L I F I C A T I O N S 


Raft guide course with AGAR in association with MINGAI (Class III)

Swift Water rescue with MINGAI

First Aid with the  Ecuadorian Red Cross


First aid with Ecuadorian Red cross


First Aid course with Ecuadorian Red Cross

Swift water Rescue course with MINGAI


Swift Water Rescue course with MINGAI in association with ACA(american canoe asociation)


White water Rafting Course with IRF(international rafting federation)

Note :River People as a company every year before high season do a refresher beginning of season course covering safety and river skills.